How Can Gen Z Help Your Business

How Can Gen Z Help Your Business?

There are a lot of stereotypes that are often attributed to the different generations, which can be harmful to their employment prospects. For example, Generation Z (Gen Z) is often considered the ‘problem children of business’ due to their ‘sensitivity, wokeness and apparent refusal to perform beyond what they are paid for’. However, perceptions can…

Items To Check Before Refinancing

3 Items To Check Before Refinancing

Refinancing a home loan can be a strategic move for Australians looking to optimize their financial situation. However, this process comes with its own set of complexities and potential pitfalls. To ensure a successful and beneficial refinancing experience, Australians should exercise caution and pay close attention to three key factors. Interest Rates and Hidden Costs:…

Company Culture Is An Important Aspect Of The Workplace – Heres How To Make It A Good One

Company Culture Is An Important Aspect Of The Workplace – Here’s How To Make It A Good One

Company culture has become an important part of how businesses are perceived. Businesses with a positive culture are more likely to attract clients and customers. Statistics also show that over 50% of executives believe that having a good culture can influence productivity, creativity, profitability, firm value and growth rates. However, while describing and quantifying a…