What is salary sacrificing for super

What is salary sacrificing for super?

One of the most effective ways to add to your super balance is through salary sacrifice. Salary sacrifice involves the employee agreeing to exchange a portion of their salary (before tax) for an increase in superannuation contribution by their employer. Contributions made through salary sacrifice are classified as employer contributions, not employee contributions. These are…

How to upscale your business

How to upscale your business

Set realistic and actionable goals Businesses should set realistic and actionable small goals which they can work towards, rather broad goals which provide no direction. Setting broad and unrealistic goals is demotivating and makes any progress made seem insignificant. Every person in the business should be given a target to meet over a reasonable timeline…

How to handle interview anxiety

How to handle interview anxiety

An interview can be intimidating even if you are the perfect person for the job. Improving your performance during an interview can be a matter of learning to alleviate your anxiety. Preparing for your interview can be extremely helpful. Read about the company and what they do Prepare your responses to common interview questions (strengths,…

Handling deductions for self education expense

Handling deductions for self-education expense

Individuals upskilling and educating themselves during these down times may be eligible to claim a deduction for their self-education expenses. The deductions apply to self-education activities that are directly related to an individual’s work as an employee. In the case that individuals are looking to claim self-education expenses based on a course’s relation to their…